Yesterday I was in the mall with a friend, shopping for Halloween. Me and her always have fun together, like super fun, but yesterday it wasn't as fun as we usually have. I guess both were tired or something haha.
Anyway, we ate on an amazing Asian restaurant, were you could choose the base of the dish: meat, fish or chicken, noodles or rice, curry sauce, sweet chili or another sauce. I chose sashimi with noodles and curry sauce, super delicious (ofc you got a lot of greens with it)! And the thing is, I kind of follow a non-existent eating plan (lol that sounds weird.) It is simple: I eat as much whole grains as possible, no white sugar and a lot of greens and fruit. I stay away from fast carbohydrates, basically. Then I read at a very inspiring health account on insta that the girl that writes on that instagram account eats one cheat meal per week. So, that was my cheat meal. But then, my best friend wanted to go and eat some FroYo, and who doesn't love that. I said yes, and I did take the sugar and fat free yogurt, with only fruit. But then, I got so much guilt-feelings. "I'm not healthy" "I'm not going to get fit now" and things like that. Like eating-anxiety. Sometimes I get that, after I've eaten something unhealthy. And doesn't that sound really sad? Yes it does.
I have overthought it, because I want to have that cheat meal and NOT feel guilty. I am a quite healthy person I do resistant training three times a week, and cardio 3 times a week. I do eat healthy, almost 90% of the time.
I don't think it is possible to make it go away just poof and gone, but I think I can change my way of thinking a little bit and that will help. Also, I think I need to not be so hard on myself all the time, being more proud after working out and not think too much on that cheat meal. Today is arms-and abs day, and I really didn't feel like working out, but I did.
Now, afterwards (even though I had to go down on my knees halfway through the push-ups) I feel very proud. This is just the first week of this program, and I am going to get results if I stick to it.
Reward yourself more, and be proud of yourself♥
This picture feels very inspiring when you don't feel like working out. YOU have to go to the gym if you want to get stronger, tighter and fitter, NO ONE can do it but YOU!
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