Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A lot of friends?

What is the definition of a friend? I mean, is it when you talk sometimes and meet everyday or is it when you hang out after school and in school? Really, what is a friend. A best friend for me is someone you trust, but I don't think you have to trust someone to be friends. Because if it is the first alternative, well, yeah, then I have like a lot of friends. But if it's the other alternative, then I have 5 or 6 friends haha.
But does that really matter? I think I'd rather have a few close friends than a lot of friends that talks with me only sometimes. Before I started this school I dreamed of having super duper lots of new friends, but I have realized that I don't need that. I need my closest friends, and then of course a few others, just to feel good and not alone. I would say that at least all of the girls in my class are my friends. I guess we have builded like gangs we are with, I usually hang with my closest friends and others hang with others. I guess that's quite normal. Of course everybody talks with everybody, but we still have our small gangs. Still, sometimes I feel like an outsider. For example today, I sat at a table (in maths class) with P and H we'll call them, both girls. And it was a guy called C as well at our table. And we worked individually, but P and H helped each other (they're not really from the same gang) with stuff, but I had to ask my best friend at the table next to our table. I guess that is a quite small thing, but still it is a bit annoying you could say.
I'll see you tomorrow!

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